
Register with us



Welcome to the Humming Birds Family

Please let us know something about yourself and your contact details.

To register as a flock member put the name of the flock in the message field.

You can choose between:

  • The little humming bird
  • The humming hobbyist
  • The advanced humming bird
  • The passionate humming bird
  • The professional humming bird

Our clubs represent different skills levels and require different time commitments. 

If you have never done any crafting before, or you want to brush-up your skills after a long break of not crafting we suggest that you sign up as a member of THE LITTLE HUMMING BIRD club. As soon you feel comfortable enough you can progress to THE HUMMING HOBBYIST club, THE ADVANCED HUMMING BIRD club, or THE PASSIONATE HUMMING BIRD club. If you have any doubts what club to choose let us know and we will call you back to discuss your particular situation. 

Please note that THE PROFESSIONAL HUMMING BIRD club is only for organizations like schools, cultural centres who conduct crafting courses and for teachers and craft instructors.